DC-USA Truck Trailer for ATS v1


This is my new USA Truck skin for stewowe's trailer.  Only one of this trailer type can be used at a time in-game.  Trailer comes with my skin in one scs file.  Hope you like it! :)


Trailer Skin - David Corley; Trailer - Stewowe

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Commented on 2016-03-21 06:25:52

Hey guys, DC-David here. I tweaked my left trailer door a tad. I moved the USA Truck logo in the top left over to the left a bit. It was bugging me being too lined up and all. :) So if you have the previous version and would like this one, just re-download and replace in-kind. I uploaded an updated trailer door pic for reference. Thanks!

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Commented on 2016-03-26 06:26:51

New link for my updated trailer is: http://www.mediafire.com/download/87avc29m2xyyf92/DC-USA+Truck+Trailer+for+ATS.scs

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