Romanian Map v8.1


Changes in v8.1:
- Changes are made to some models to improve performance.
- These moficari are found in almost all ways.
- When winter mode is increased during (the window delivery) of goods.
- Map corrections are made.
- Mod is improved
- Corrections to how autumn textures and mapping.
- New vehicles in traffic You (tandem) with speed correction mode winter.
- I hope that now the exhaust fumes to be OK ....

These are the last (I hope) correction models.
It set the stage for November 3 cities car will be available in future updates
(Buzias, Oravita and Anina).


Elyxir, Alin2008Todor

Similar modifications

Commented on 2016-02-05 09:32:12

Very good map... Thank you very much

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