RedRock Series 2


Welcome to the RedRock Series 2 low loader.
The Series 2 low loader comes with a short beaver tail and long ramp. This is the 24T model. It has been designed for the larger contractor with increased strength and durability for an extended service life.
The series 2 has an in-game price of £19,495 and a maintenance fee of just £15 a day.
The mod is to farm simulator 15 standards.
The mod has full lighting is washable and has a locking script to hold items to the bed.
You will find the series 2 in the MISC section in the mod area in the store.
This is my first upload for FS15 and had been worked on to the best of my current ability's. Please keep this in mind. If the mod is not to your standards then just delete if from your game..
I hope the series 2 can be helpful around the farm for you.
The series 2 started as a trailer by Solanz and a big thanks to him for letting me use his work.
Please respect this has been uploaded to FS-UK so please keep there link if you plan to put this on your site.
Thanks. Farmfarm


Mythos (ARM Modding)

And thanks to.

And JDB14 for helping so much.

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Commented on 2016-07-07 20:04:42

tres bien continuet comme sa

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