[Externe-Modder] Stoll Frontlader - dynamicHoses v2.5.0


What was done?
- Dynamic Hoses Hoses for attachment to tractor (selectable for tractors without reflec- tion points)
- Dynamic Hoses Ref points for front loader attachments
- Design selectable Fz30 or D72

New in V2.5:
- Again many new designs
- Performace Improves new decals
- More Configurable Things (see for yourself)

New in V2:
- Four new design: Robust F30, FZ30 old V., Robust, ALS3
- Giants Decals revised / supplemented
- new warnings
- new tubing
- Texture revised


Publischer: Forbidden-mods.de
Orginalmodell: Giants
Umbau: Mbtrac900

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Commented on 2017-12-16 10:57:49

mod video here,,,,,,,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCYnEhh7e84

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