FS19 Fliegl SDS350 v1.0


Fliegl flatbed semi-trailer with rear low hitch for chaining multiple trailers together. Also has full working lights, and tension belts. Error free log!
Original model by Giants, update to FS19 and modified by Kentucky Farmer.


Original model by Giants, update to FS19 and modified by Kentucky Farmer

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Commented on 2018-12-12 10:33:47

what we need is auto loaders

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Commented on 2018-12-12 11:51:47

i definitely agree with Raven2971, so lets see which modder will be brave enough to try and make one,

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Commented on 2018-12-12 12:15:42

Kentucky that is just a convert of TSM's mod from FS17, people like you give modders a bad name ;)

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Commented on 2018-12-12 12:18:16

Autoloaders can't be made until Giants release lua/xml doc's

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Commented on 2018-12-12 13:57:28

There are two auto loaders that work. Go to the pleasant valley site which can be found here https://pvmods.enjin.com/ and then click on Bigdaddy's Mods, then click on his drop box link.

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Commented on 2018-12-28 12:29:01


Aggh yes Bigdaddy.. Stealing ideas and mods since 2015.

This is a direct copy of the LS-Modcompany mod from LS17 for consoles.
He has just copied the unchanged code and added it to a LS19 vehicle.

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