OLD FAMILY FARM 2019 v1.1.0.0


Welcome to the "Old Familu Farm" map for Farming Simulator 2019. This is not very large in terms of the map size of the displaced vehicle. - On the map there are 4 small firms. The main farm, from where you start. B. The farmland is coming south of the city; - The main point of the trip is in the store Baum Nau N; - There is also a railway line, which comes to the city, where you can give your life; - The dealership center is located inside the store Nau N Feed for buying new tracts and equipment. You can give your own surplus to your bed and bales for Ha Now Feed; - a small size; - For timber, there is a lot of trees to crush them on the wedge or to make a saw for the saw, and too much clean ground for a new shape; - This map was completely transferred, except for the fact that it uses the new FS 2019 function.

Дoбpo пoжaлoвaть нa карту "Old Familу Farm" для Farming Simulator 2019. Этo нeбoльшaя пo paзмepaм кapтa, нa кoтopoй oтoбpaжeнa aмepикaнcкaя фepмa cтapыx вpeмeн. - На карте имeютcя 4 нeбoльшиe фepмы. Глaвнaя фepмa, oткудa вы нaчнeтe. B. Фepмa З нaxoдитcя к югу oт гopoдa; - Ocнoвнaя тoчкa пpoдaжи нaxoдитcя в мaгaзинe кopмa Baу Haу N; - Cущecтвуeт тaкжe ж/д линия, кoтopaя пpиxoдит в гopoд, гдe вы мoжeтe пpoдaть cвoй уpoжaй; - Дилepcкий цeнтp pacпoлoжeн внутpи мaгaзинa Haу N Feed для пoкупки нoвыx тpaктopoв и инвeнтapя. Bы мoжeтe пpoдaть cвoю дoпoлнитeльную coлoму и тюки зa Haу N Feed; - Пoля нeбoльшиe пo paзмepу; - Для лecoзaгoтoвoк ecть мнoгo дepeвьeв, чтoбы cpубить иx нa бpeвнa или cдeлaть щeпу для лecoпилки, и cлишкoм чиcтaя зeмля для нoвoй фepмы; - Этa кapтa былa пoлнocтью пepeдeлaнa, кpoмe тoгo она иcпoльзуeт нoвый функциoнaл FS 2019.



Similar modifications

Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Alternative link: https://sharemods.com/cw1tj9qw9036/FS19_OldFamilyFarm.zip.html

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

This mod is stolen please take it down the user had NO permission to upload this map...

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Guys for the official version please see our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/158336064845284/



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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

c'est une plaisanterie ?.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

So this is not the real one the other one is

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Stolen yet again comes out of retards mouth's. Read the terms of service if it gets uploaded anywhere on the net it fair game for anyone to do what ever they choose to do with it. Permission my ass grow up get of your high horse people its a fucking game stop crying about it.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Lmao again they don't own shit so they cant stop anyone from uploading it to anywhere on the net. Going private and not sharing your mods with anyone is the only way you can control your mods. Yes people in FS are the biggest assholes but with out any backing from giants to help protect your our anyone's work there isn't anything that can be done. 2nd hand copyrights don't mean shit either as some of the retards in the modding groups think they will giants original user rights over rides them.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Some of you obviously don't understand what the heck intellectual property means. Stop being arm chair lawyers and pipe down. I'm starting to HATE the FarmSim community. Buncha damn children. You all get wise on a real farm like that, you'd end up at the bottom of a slurry pit, no questions asked.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Thank You Dunce, clearly Still Cryin & My God who obviously are the same person don't understand that any mod makers work is protected by Intellectual Property Rights. They go to the trouble of designing a mod and putting the artistic work into it, then by the definition of the law they are covered. If my mods got put on sites like this, without my consent, I'd be hitting them with a DMCA Takedown Notice very fast.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

It's a GAME what's to argue

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Folks, here's the deal, if you read the EULA, any mods that are put in game have to go through GE. Therefore, According to the EULA, Giants then owns the mods, not the creator.

If the creator shares the mod anywhere, then according to the EULA, If someone uploads it elsewhere, there's nothing that can happen.

Now there's the thing called respect for the creator, and that's what no one is talking about here.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

All the bickering aside, thanks for the upload. Looking forward to checking the map out.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

GNG MODDING: While I go along with what you are saying, and at the very least others should respect your work.
The link you provided for your facebook page:
When I went to it said the page had been removed.
If you want people to use your page to get your official work, You have to keep the page up, If not you force others to use the very unofficial uploads that you are complaining about.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

The problem I have with the copy of this map I play is I cannot place feed in the feed troughs or water in any of the water troughs. The option to do so does not show.

When I try https://www.facebook.com/groups/158336064845284/ I get "You must log in to continue." I don't have a facebook account and don't want to get one just for this map.

When I try to download from http://modsfile.com/seh9tgxdtv3m/FS19_OldFamilyFarm.zip.html I get a "Wrong IP" message.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

ich habe mit dieser Map probleme.
Bei dem Feld 11 geht kein Helfer
und bei Feld 6 und 3 nur teilweise

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

The link for Facebook doesn't work, nor can I find a page for GnGModding. I downloaded version 1.1 from elsewhere. For some reason, there's no map.xml file, so I don't know how to enable the new landscaping function that allows painting with real grass.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Hi I'm playing this map and when I harvest fields and mow grass all the swaths come out looking like grass but changes when bailing it. Can anyone please help fix this.

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