Station prices v1.1


This is a small script that allows you to adjust the price when you sell your crop.

Version 1.1
This file is now packed as a zip

* 0.005 - change this number into what you want, the higher the yield, the bigger it gets
You can change less liters with high prices or many liters for less money

Unzip this mod. There is a Lua file where you can change the price you get at all points of sale.
g_currentMission.fillTypeManager.fillTypes [i] .pricePerLiter = g_currentMission.fillTypeManager.fillTypes [i] .pricePerLiter * 0.005;


Modell: keine
Textur: keine
Script: hilbert
Idee / Konzept: hilbert
Tester: hilbert
Sonstige: credits: zoltanm base script

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Commented on 2018-12-10 01:38:02

It is good, but the prices are too much, maybe if its double the profit ok, but they are too big, that makes the game too easy but i would reccomend use this at the start so you can make some money but it will make it very unrealistic, nice mod tho 7/10

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