Taxicabs AI pack by Egon v1.0


Let me introduce my first standalone mod of taxi traffic cars! I've always wanted to create taxi pack on my own, and thanks to my first steps in Blender, I was able to finally make it!

All taxis are and will always be based on SCS vehicles. That way the mod is compatible and fits-in for anyone playing the game, whether used with Jazzycat's AI cars or only with SCS basic traffic.

Currently there are taxis for these countries:
Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and Turkey.

More taxis and countries are planned.

Compatible with: Taxi Traffic Pack by Traffic_Maniac, AI Traffic pack by Jazzycat, any other AI mod or map mods.
Incompatible with: German Taxis by d-LuX (Steam Workshop mod)

Please do not reupload!



Egon, credits to SCS, Traffic_Maniac, Termit

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