Amazone CrassHopper v2.0


This is a mod that i got from fs2015 i have ported it over and fixed it .. It is error free and all options work on it .. If the orginal owner would like me to take the mod down i will gladly do it and give them the ported version to upload.


Ported to Fs 17 by MrXsyon

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Commented on 2017-06-14 21:29:04

who ever comments on that post must be one of his little gophers..go ahead get mad all you want your just a little salty

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Commented on 2017-06-15 04:17:24

Those of you whiny snowflakes talking smack about the owner of PV maps, you talk big behind the keyboard, but if one was to confront you in person, you'd crumble like a dried bread. Talking smack are for cowards. Nobody cares about your buttercup feelings, so do the rest of the word a favor, STFU.


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Commented on 2017-06-16 00:47:16

some of dajnet gopher friends or dajnet him self is getting the comments deleted dam the truth must hurt.. go stream some more of your crappy maps and tell lies you need donations.. i see why your wife divorced you

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Commented on 2018-01-21 00:12:52

hey dude I'm also convert this mod from FS15 and i have two versions,but this mod is not for public dude it will bee great if you remove that mod...

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