Freightliner Century v5.0 Nikola Edit


Mod of the legendary american truck built on the basis of a quality 3D model.
Autonomous truck is sold in the Volvo showroom, has its own slot – nothing will be replaced.
Has a wide selection of engines and gearboxes with real factory characteristics. own wheels. DLC Cabin ready. Added new original speed limit add-on.
The 3D model of the mod is revised and optimized. The sound is reworked. Added support for advanced hitch and animated trailer cables.
Fully new flare-pack.
Mod reworked & tested on the last game version 1.31.xx
Attention! Mod has own physics. Do not use others physics mod with this truck, may be conflict.


Nikola(Konstantin-Donbass), Bogdan Kasalap(Vinzel)

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Commented on 2018-07-28 13:54:24

mods_ats you know that reuploading peoples content it's a crime and you can be reported to autorities by the real people? Imprisonment between 6 months and 3 years

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Commented on 2018-07-28 14:01:14

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