Dondiego Map Reloadet v5.1


Hi, this is my converted map of Ls11 for LS15.

It is 4-fold, multifruit map.
Standard fruit + rye, oats, sunflowers, spelled, millet, poppy and alfalfa (gründüger mod)
Pigs and cattle fattening
GülleMistKalk Mod with lime silo on the farm
Food storage with conveyors
Mixing Station
Garden centers of manure / dung purchase
Straw purchase at the circus
Slurry and manure storage
Display Overview
AI traffic: cars and pedestrians

Required Mods:
-ChoppedStraw Mod
-Gründünger Mod
-GülleMistKalk Mod

I wish you much fun


webalizer:chopped Straw
Marhu:Schweine , Rinder ,Hühnermast, GülleMistKalk mod, Water mod, Sägewerk, MilktruckTrigger
biface:futterlager mit schilde( v3.0 v4.0)
Farmer_Andy: Kompostieranlage, Güllelager, Gewächshaus-Salat
El Cid:zuckerfabrik
-- --
LS15: Nils23
Numbershader: Giants/weisser
Anpassung: Giants/weisser
Holz Textur (Vorschlag): lappyBauer/dtmaster
chtiseb:Lager module(v4.5 v5.0)
San_Andreas:Baumarkt, Edeka, Gewächshäuser-Tomate, Blumenkohl, Weisskohl
Kastor:Wirtschaftskreislauf ÖL
Yellofoxx:Texturenpack für Kastors Hoftankstellenpack
VAHA:Mills set, Bakery
Pucksta:Klärwerk, Milchwerk

Similar modifications

Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

Well Hello.....I see a new D/L for your map Ver 5.1,, new head picture,,, We should see corrections from last version, Well, I am disappointed.... The Flour mills that did not work last version ,,,, still do not work,, ( i think we should see the blades of the mill turning ) if the mill is operational. dare I try the other things That were reported last version.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

Well ... Problems 1. No milk pick up, 2000 in tank, will not load truck. 2. Green houses NOT bought, there is a listing in the Vehicles list for these items (note not bought ) 3. When you but the greenhouses you now get a duplicate of the " fattening" items, pig,beefs and chicken2. Note,the duplicates show on the next start of the game, instead of 3 items you now have 6.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

Continuation, 4. The flour mills Do Not Work, They give the look of being Full, ( full skids outside ) Will not load to truck, Therefore will not take in new stock. 5. In the "mod Desc file there is an "inputbinding for "f9" on foot, It looks as if you are missing the two "overlay files for this option. NOTE... Think about getting rid of the Greenhouses as I have seen similar problems adding the items as Mods to other Farms,

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

You made and posted a new version,5.1 , but no fixes for problems, You have very good Farm here. PLEASE fix it for us. FIX FIX FIX PLEASE.....

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Commented on 2015-07-01 14:35:07

your maizemühle no funktion. update

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Commented on 2015-07-05 18:14:43

Like the map but have problems with the green houses. Have fuel trailer but can not find the unload point. Same thing with the water. I haven't tried the flour mill or anything else, yet.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:10

cant find green house trigger

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