Grain bins v1.0.0


The triggers came from the auger pack by killerrf and the bin came from Feterlj/mbuesing rustic pack. shawn429 created the old bin pack so I will share it with all of you.

-150k(4275 bushels)
-Fillable with Farmking auger and batco only
-Uses Sakundiak to unload.  Put the auger in the door a little ways, door collision is turned off.

No fill level indicator. 

The brock bins

-4 different sizes includes, 200k, 300k, 400k, 500k
-Fillable with Farmking auger and batco only
-Uses Sakundiak to unload

make sure to unpack the bins and put them into your mod folder.


I take NO credit for making the bin or the triggers used in this mod. The triggers came from the auger pack and the bins came from Rand0msparks map. johndeere3 put it all together to make these for everyone to enjoy

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Commented on 2017-07-19 18:18:42

What truck is that?

Nice Mod!!!!

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Commented on 2017-07-19 21:31:26

where did you get the tandem ?

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Commented on 2017-07-19 23:22:36
Do you know what the truck is?

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Commented on 2017-07-20 07:09:11

So which file is real? 148MB, or 2MB?

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Commented on 2017-09-26 00:33:22

it is the 148MB!

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

When I download this mod and put it in my mod folder it shows up but i will not have it in the game. I will go into farming simulator 17 and it is not in my installed slot. But i know it is installed. Please help.

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