NH LM 724 with Rear Hydraulics and Bigger Wheels v1.0


New Holland LM 724 With Rear Hydraulics and Bigger Wheels
Model: EpicPrydaMods
Texture: EpicPrydaMods
Script: EpicPrydaMods
Idea / Concept: EpicPrydaMods
Testing: EpicPrydaMods
Other: EpicPrydaMods



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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

Nice one.
Found 2 problems;
The tires itself, when turning, the rear ones JUST NOT touch the lighting(maybe an idea to make the tires a bit smaller).
And when using the rear hydraulics, there isn't a axle going to the tool(in my case a stumpcutter), something to fix in an update.

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