Hello there,

I made this map for different purposes. My goal was to have a lot of fruit. It was in watery land, but it is not possible for me to do this in fs 19 right now, I will do better in the future.

The changes in this update are as follows.

problem with game loading screen stuck.

Some bugs affecting gameplay have been fixed.



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Commented on 2022-02-10 08:10:28

A reasonable question arises: do you make money from downloading content? Or are you a pseudo-fan of FS?
Complete at least one project before the end!

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Commented on 2022-03-19 14:23:31

WOW! And you actually released this shameful excuse of a map? So many unfinished things on the map. You tried to hide some of it in the map video, but the failures were too blatant to miss. Unfinished roads, grass covered ponds, objects floating in the sky, just to name a few. You have guts to release such a failure of a map. I am glad you at least provided a crap tour of the map in a YouTube video (lmao for all to see) to make aware your failure map before I blindly downloaded it. Thank you for that!

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