MC Earthmoving Terrafarm v2.0


This is an updated version of the terrafarm. I accidently selected the incorrect terrafarm to add. (It was from a dedi server and it is not that good).

Please download remove the previous terrafarm or any other terrafarm mods in your mod folder in order for this to function correctly. You can only have ONE terrafarm mod in your folder at a time.

Sorry for the confusion!


MC Earthmoving

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Commented on 2024-03-27 10:42:38

Kan je aangeven welke machines (buckets etc.) dit dan toepasbaar is, ik zelf zie geen verschil met de orginele versie?

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Reply comment on 2024-03-27 11:47:21

Il suffit d'ouvrir le dossier et d'aller voir quels sont les godets compatible. Je vais être gentil je vais te faciliter le travail. Les godets inclus dans ce mods sont tout ceux qui sont public

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