Driveable AI v1.4.0 1.48


Changelog 1.4.8


-Overhauled Fire truck, see workshop comments

-Ambulances(F350, F350HD, Transit)

-Chevy Caprice and Impala PPV

-New School Bus/Prison Bus

-MCI J4500 Coach Bus


-Siren Update, 2-tone Touchmaster Delta on police-capable vehicles using the engine brake coupled with the air horn function


All tuning on available vehicles made usable!

Custom Engine Sound

Usable SCS AI Wheels

Working Lights and Siren on Police and Fire vehicles

All current Police and Fire Liveries

Animated Functions! See below for info.

Some custom interiors using the AI model, with working wipers, windows and steering wheel

Realistic powertrain specs & handling to an extent

Some custom UV Templates for skins

How Vehicle Selection Works

All models of a specific vehicle make are under one "truck" definition. You switch between models by Cabins in the Truck Browser or Truck Dealer.

Animated Functions

Because neither ATS nor ETS2 has generic exterior animations/functions, there has to be a bit of a hacky workaround for the custom animated functions; They rely on the exterior windows animation.

To use these functions, you need to bind keys to left/right windows up/down.

Unfortunately, animated collisions are not possible and things like the forks of the Garbage Truck don't function in that regard.



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