EAST Quad Axle Dump Trailer v2.3 1.43.x


EAST Quad Axle Dump - this modification adds a high quality owned trailer adapted to the latest ATS game. Designed with heavy-duty strength and durability, East frame dump trailers are ideal for versatile hauling requirements. We offer several frame dump trailer configurations to meet the needs of every job site.

Features EAST Quad Axle Dump:

- Standalone trailer;

- Ownable;

- Cable Support

- Advanced coupling

- the choice of color;

- the model has own wheels;

- working brake and reverse lights;

- detailed 3D model.

Changes in v2.3:

- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.43;

- Dump cargo implementation.

Tested on game version 1.43.x


bansheewoj, guidot, AMT, SCS Software, Felipe_Tardo

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Commented on 2022-02-02 13:59:19

fake... old version, does not work

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