K-DOG's Trucking Co. And Trucks v1.49b


Adds the K-DOG Trucking Co. and 5 company truck skins, the w900, the Cascadia,

the Lonestar, The Peterbuilt 389 and the Mack Anthem. All Paintable!!!!!

More coming soon.

UPDATE: Finished the trailer skins I thought were already done.

Trailer skins are all paintable too!

It has come to my attention that there is no sound for the truck engines.

when using the mod zip file.

This is caused by a problem long known by me but

forgotten. The problem is with engine sounds and zip files,

they don't mix. To fix this simply place and unzip the mod in your mod folder,

using whatever zip app you use. Use the command:      extract to: "the mod name"

[or the equivalent to that command in your zip app]

and it should create a folder using the same name as the mod.

Delete or move the original mod zip file from your mod folder.

Load order is above all map mods and below all utility mods,

such as stop light and headlight mods, truck & trailer parts mods.

Will not work with any other skin mods.



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Commented on 2024-04-12 02:06:28

This site has become soooo bogged down with pop ups. My original uploads will now be on truckymods.io
Anyplace else you find my mods will be a reuploaded copy like this file. It may be the same mod or it may not.
I have no quam with this site. I am just tired of the popups.

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