Pete 362 Cabover 1.48



High-quality model of exterior and interior

3 chassis (6x4, standard/long/stretched)

60" Sleeper (more sleepers will be added in the future updates)

Compatibility with SISL's Mega Pack and DLC Cabin Accessories

Skinpack and template for your skins

Engines and Sounds by Kapitan Kriechbaum

High-quality animated air/electricity cables

4k AO

Full Standalone

Full LightmasFull animated interior including pedals, ignition key and etc.

Transmissions (6-18 speed)

Wheels pack included

Lots of License Plates

Original steering wheels + steering wheels from DLC

Lots of accessories:

grills, headlights, front bumpers, rear bumpers, visors, fenders, lights, horns, exhausts, mudflaps, lightbars, beacons, tanks, stairs, window chops, interior accessories, roof wings, grill covers, tanker covers

Tested for ATS 1.48.x



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