Twin Stick transmissions for ReneNate's Mack b61 truck 1.47


This mod brings back old twin stick 5x4 (20 gears) and 6x4 (24 gears) transmissions for ReneNate's Mack b61 truck mod. 

ReneNate's mod: click_here

As some gears are repetitive and/or useless, these gearboxes are difficult to drive. I included a .txt file with instructions and all the gear ratios, aswell as some usefull links for h-shifter players!

ATS Version: 1.47.x

(This mod might work in other Mack b61 trucks)


Mod by MatroxX214

Credits to the Mack b61 mod: ReneNate

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Commented on 2023-07-18 17:35:34

Hi guys, I commited a mistake on the .txt file when writing the ratios. Please ignore the "Low, Under Direct Overdrive" thing because is not correct.
Thanks for downloading this, it really inspires me to create more of these mods. :))

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