Universal Monsta Frame v1.3


A large pack of new configurations of the installer truck for almost all stock cars and trailers.

Autobello Piccolina
Gavril Barstow
Bruckell Bastion
Gavril Bluebuck
Burnside Special
Ibishu 200BX
Ibishu Covet
ETK 800-Series
ETK K-Series
ETK I-Series
Gavril Grand Marshal
Ibishu Hopper
Soliad Lansdale
Bruckell LeGran
Ibishu Pessima
Autobello Stambecco
Ibishu Miramar
Ibishu Pessima
Gavril D-Series
Ibishu Pigeon
Gavril Roamer
Hirochi SBR4
Civetta Scintilla
Gavril T-Series
Hirochi Sunburst
Hirochi Aurata
Gavril H-Series
Cherrier FCV
Soliad Wendover
Ibishu Wigeon

Dry Van Trailer
Flatbed Trailer
Tanker Trailer

In version 1.3:
- Added rear steering axle for all vehicles and trailers.


Authors: Gameboy3800, O1ler, Abroopt, Nathan H

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