Winter Livery Pack v1.2


Hi everyone, I have some free time and decided to finish this skin pack.

Correcting the livery on the Ibishu 200BX and other small fixes

Livery correction on Ibishu 200BX and other minor corrections.

Added Prerunner config to Gavril D-Series.

Updated all thumbnails and configs.

All of these skins were and are in the game, but at the moment in no way used. I wanted to revive them and I did it, but the first attempt was awful, the second attempt turned out as I thought it would. Skins and configurations are available only for these vehicles:

Gavril Barstow/D-Series/Grand Marshal/H-Series/Roamer;​

Bruckell Moonhawk/LeGran (skin is displayed wrong because UV map is changed);​

Burnside Special;​

ETK 800 Series/I-Series;​

Hirochi SBR4/Sunburst;​

Ibishu 200BX/Covet/Hopper/Miramar/Pessima (1988).​



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