Annual Daylight Hours V1


These mods simply alters the Enviroment Data file, basically changing the Daylight hours. 
Each month starts on the 2nd Sunday of that month and contains the day number and GMT offset and solstice information.
The mods have ALL been wriiten with UK timezone Specs.
I have left unlocked so ANY user who downloads can alter to suit there own requirments.
If you do make any alterations and then share, please give me some credit!!!
Each mod respectivley should be loaded at the very top of your modification list in ETS 2.
Happy Trucking



Similar modifications

Commented on 2015-12-02 19:10:59

I have added 2 set's of screen shots, 1 set of 5 from December and another set of 5 from April, both set's of screenshots to show subtle changes in daylight hours with 3 shots for 6am and then midday and finally 6pm and 2 with the lights on and off times for the 2 months.

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