EAA Bus 1.2


Major changes from the mod:

- Brazil is added to part of the European map;
- The economy has changed, leaving only passenger charges on the Brazilian side of the map;
- 4 buses were added to the mod - VW Idealle, Elegance 360 ​​G7 1200, G7 DD 1800;
- Tolls with the band of the free right to pass the bus with toll collection;
- The passenger load was changed to not cause harm to engage the load;
- Engines and actual transmissions were added;

Changes in this version:

- 13 cities were added;

List of Brazilian Cities in mod:

- Sao Paulo:
Peruibe, Santos, São Paulo, São José dos Campos, Taubaté, Aparecida, Tatuí, Sorocaba, Botucatu, Avare, Ourinhos, Campinas, Jundiai, American, Limeira, Piracicaba, registration, Bauru and Guaratingueta.

- Rio de Janeiro:
Magé, Itaboraí, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Resende and Volta Redonda.

- Paraná:
Curitiba, São José dos Pinhais, Paranaguá, Palm Tree, Ponta Grossa, Irati, Prudentópolis, Guarapuava, South Orange, Castro, Pirai do Sul, Tibagi and Santo Antonio da Platina.



Team EAA

Similar modifications

Commented on 2015-07-05 06:39:30

Hello. Here is a passenger run completed with the map....

Picked up Diretores in LdoSul
Teleported to Volokolamsk
Dropped off Directores back in LdoSul 3190km run
(With the help of Rusmap v1.5 & TSM v6.0 with Scandinavia DLC)
(Read video description 4 more info)

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Commented on 2015-07-05 06:41:09

Hello. Here is another passenger run completed with the map....

Picked up Empregados in Sao Paulo
Teleported to Cairo
Dropped off Empregados in Itaborai 6991km run
(With the help of TSM v6.0)
(Read video description 4 more info)

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Commented on 2015-07-07 21:21:55

i cant get it to work can someone help me

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