MAN TGS Euro 5 Reworked Spec V3 ETS2 1.47



-6 cabins

-16 chassis: Fifth wheel chassis,Ballast chassis,High deck chassis,Normal chassis etc.

-15 engines+own sounds

-Many custom interiors to choose from

-8 transmissions

-Tuning and accessories



-New chassis variants (10×10 and 10×4)

-Exhaust cat box reworked and add new variant

-Battery and air tank reworked, and add new variant

-New ballast variants

-6×6 and 6×4 chassis reworked

-New tuning parts (bullbar, kepet”front mudflaps”, mirror, front grill, roofgrill, antang”headache”, etc)

-New steering wheel variants

-Now every tuning parts have their own tuning slot (Batery box, exhaust, oil tank, etc)


koutsu,XBS/bobo58,Jon Ruda,WTD,Daffa Aqiilah

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