Physics of the truck V2.4 from ~Tok~


– Description:
– Realistic physics of suspension, cab, transmission, brakes, air seat, cameras in the cabin.
– Supports all default trailers, as well as Camaz.6460, Scania rs, Renault integral, Renot, Scania.114, Mitsubishi FusoSuper Great V.

- Changes in v2.4:
- Change the behavior of the cabin.
– I changed the weighting, the course of the rear axles.
- It has changed brakes, intensity, balance.
- The engine, the box: Turns, traction, transfer led to real indicators, Acceleration in time to 100km / h made as
in real (see video), max speed 130 km / h, so that with low-power engines there was no shortage, and with powerful
bust, test (silt) on medium engines 520-540 liters per second, gear shift clear with swallowing revs,
acceleration is smooth and tyagovity, load is felt with cargo. I tried all the boxes and engines: Akpp, sequential, manual,
all types behave differently in terms of overclocking, for example, at 12-acpp-130 km / h, and on 6-second-121 km / h (empty). With cargo 20t (+ -)
up to 110km h a little where you will accelerate. On the video, I recorded the acceleration with and without.
- Dampening is longitudinal, transverse (build-up).
- In the settings “Stabilization of the Thriller” to the end in the right (recommended).
- P.S. Files are locked, except for the chassis, when adding and editing the chassis, when saving, it will ask for the password, just press ok.

– For those who are not fond of changes in management, in the archive
there is a second file with standard control
(Physics_of_the_truck_V2.4_standard_control_from_ ~ Tok ~).

– Test on version 1.30.x
– Author: ~ Tok ~
– Installation:
– Put in the Mod folder, connect it to the mod manager.
– Put above the modified tracks.
– Keep the original links! Respect author’s work!



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