Renault Master V2


It is a Renault Master L2H2. Has two interiors. You can buy it in the Renault truck dealer. It has its own sounds and physics. You can choose one of two chassis: one for normal driving and second to drive with heavier trailers (to car transporter trailer select the first chassis). The mod has the 360 degrees interior camera. Physics is in a separate mod and you should turn it on only for riding in the master, because it changes the physics of driving a truck. In version V2 I added car transporter trailer. It has two versions of it: with and without a car. It replaces all trailers, so you can enabled one of versions.

Authors (GTS):

Edit, changes and convert: kuba10105
Sounds: kuba10105
Help: ekualizer

Real interior:
Base model – BlackHawk67
Modifications: Stardust8, Scorp, mwl4, wojtekroj, elektryk572, inni
Convert and modifications (ETS2): kuba10105

I have a consent to release this convert from wojtekroj.

-added new interior,
-in first interior,
-added some interior addons,
-adapted to the DLC Accesories,
-added number plate illumination,
-changed car mat,
-added car transporter trailer,
-changed transmission ratio,
-added unlimited seat regulation,
-increased fuel tank capacity
and something more.

I forbid to share parts of mod. I allow to share this mod to other forums, provided the original description, link to the download and show all authors. You can’t edit this mod and share it. Please report to me to share modification on other forums. Follow the rules. Only that, next version of this mod will be released.



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