THIS IS A LITE VERSION. INFO ABOUT FULL VERSION BY EMAIL. [email protected] FULL version includes: Rigid chassis. Car transport chassis. 8x4 chassis. Lohr car transport trailer. Bdf trailers (5 models). Longline cabins. Truck in truck browser. Metallic paint collection. Get instructions. Send me an email. [email protected] SCANIA MEGAMOD v5.0 (ETS2 1.50.x): Updated to 1.50.x. Corrected dashboard warnings. Def files updated. Improved locale files. Fixed glass reflections. Fixed interior mirrors. Fixed dashboard reflections. Fixed shadow when truck is lowered. Added some missing parts icons. Added missing cargo icons. Added missing mirror accessory lights. Added "Angles morts" sticker. BDF trailers (ONLY IN FULL VERSION). LOHR car transport trailer (ONLY IN FULL VERSION). Longline cabin (ONLY IN FULL VERSION). Rigid chassis (ONLY IN FULL VERSION). 8X4 chassis (ONLY IN FULL VERSION). Metallic paints collection (ONLY IN FULL VERSION). SOME VARIANTS LIKE AUTO TRANSPORTER OR 8X4 CHASSIS ONLY AVAILABLE WITH CERTAIN ENGINES/CABIN. Improved compatibility with other mods. Deleted innecesary files. You need SiS'L megapack to have all the cabin accessories available. Clean gamelog!! Please inform about bugs/errors. Thank you. [email protected] Enjoy it. :-) MOD PROTECTED BY CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSE V4.0. YOU CAN SHARE FREELY BUT ONLY USING THE ORIGINAL LINKS. UPLOAD THE FILES TO OTHER SERVERS IS NOT PERMITTED.

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