Scania S White Commander 8x4 Skin 1.31


It is an implementation of the original Paintjob (only) for the Scania S (2016) with Highroof and 8x4 chassis.
This paintjob is with Warnstripes, and with ”She thinks my truck is sexy”
Compatible to ETS2 V1.31.x
Compatible to Scania S (2016) by SCS (8x4 chassis)
Mod Manager ready


Lucasi, SCS, Scania_Dragon

Similar modifications

Commented on 2018-06-16 16:45:59

Hello! I am Scania_Dragon

This file is uploaded to another servers without my permission.
Please download the Original Mod only from my server.
Here is the Original downloadlink:

Thank you very much! Kind regards to you and allways have a good game

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