Spedition Bartkowiak Pack v1.6


Spedition Bartkowiak - Package

KRONE Profi Liner

Truck Paint Jobs
Renault Premum Paint Job
MAN TGX Paint Job
Mercedes Benz - NewActros Paint Job

Cup of freight forwarding Bartkowiak
Samsung smatphone with VS-GO     Renault Premium

Hello everybody,
With joyful place I you here the forwarding Bartkowiak - package before. The package enthällt 1 Standallone trailer with 23 different freight, 3 truck sprays (Renault Premum, MAN TGX & Mercedes Benz - NewActros) and 2 different interior parts (cup with logo & Samsung Smartphone  )
The mod is fully Standallone and works on all known to me Maps.
I hope you have a lot of fun with the mod

Best regards

PS: And If something does not work out in the street. Drink doch mal nen Kaffe ->
You have questions, ideas or suggestions? Let me know in the comments, I will take care of it.



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