Byurtini Schweiz Map v2.0


Before you start playing on the map
Do you need a fashion that is in the archive along with the card, then all standard tehntka will carry and extra cleanb culture
Added to this versii.V PDA will appear on all our plain language modes purchased objects and description of these objects too
will be on russkom. I that still want a saved game dobavit.Posle you decide to play on a different map and then return to this then it is better restart the game, ie completely out of it vyyti.Zachem ? Map will give an error and you nesmozhet continue. Work around a bug.

Weed growing on the field and after harvest , plowing it grow again after treatment fertilizers will continue to grow, because it yields
I think will be a little more interesting to play .

Maud - ZZZ_nightGrowth for overnight growth of cultures in the afternoon they do not grow only at night from 1-00 to 5-00
Mod -ZZZ_Insurance Tipo tax on trucks which will be written off the amount of money from your account within two days after the obtaining of equipment
days are counted from when the order was monenta preobretu appliances . Menu key fashion in the game but you have to F11 is in the cockpit machine or tractor.
Maud - ZZZ_addMultiFruit is registration of all cultures are in this map for all the standard technique
ie mowing vizit ext. crops, such as sunflower can mow a standard processor. Mod -MapBuyableObject buyable objects with description and Russian .
Thank you for your attention and time. Win27 C Respect



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Commented on 2014-05-01 03:57:32

Great details but buildings should be level

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