CAT 345B Pack in Forstskin v4.1


Here I have for you the Caterpillar 345B excavator from getsome2030 in Forstskin. - Release is available! Because yes * soon * the ForstMod comes, I thought to myself, you also need a union orden excavator in the forest and wood sector. The CAT 345B offers the necessary and brauchebare Karf to move and trees, branches and Co and to load. Also the Lowloader is in the pack is included and the original Dolly SIGA DOU of GIANTS (Umgeskint). Also in the pack with here is the spoon blade of the CAT 345B, ebendfalls umgeskint.



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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

What pliers do i need for this mod to work or what am i doing wrong i would really like to use this for my forest??

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