Fahrsilo v1.0


Capacity: 300000L
FillTypes : chaff , grass_windrow , dryGrass_windrow
Construction time: 30 min
Please note that it is our first model. If there are errors please write it in the comments. Also, suggestions for improvement are welcome .
The mod , the model may be copied without permission of the brothers Hanenberg to any other pages to
Download offered . All links are not approved and may be away from us.
Here we rely on the Legally regulated Copyright !
We ask those paragraphs should be observed , as they are legally in with this sign !
§ 12 Publication of Law
( 1) The author shall have the right to determine whether and how his work is to be published .
( 2) The copyright is reserved to inform the public or the content of his work
to describe , as long as neither the work nor the substance or description
of the work is published with his consent .
§ 14 disfigurement of the work
The author has the right to any distortion or any other impairment of his work
to ban , which is suitable for his or her legitimate intellectual or personal interests in the
Jeopardizing work .
§ 23 edits and transformations
Arrangements or other transformations of the work may only be with the consent of the author
published the edited or redesigned work or be recycled. If it
is an adaptation of the work to the execution of plans and projects of a work
of Fine Arts , to the reproduction of a work of architecture or to the processing or
Transformation of a database work, so already required the production of the processing or
Transformation of the consent of the author .
Source: http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/urhg/index.html
Greeting Gebr Hanenberg :)


Modell: Gebr.Hanenberh
Texturen: Giants

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