HW Cattle Trailer v3.0


Hello MH community
Here the TSL HW Cattle trailer in version 3.0 (Normal and More Realistic Version)
There is not much to say about the good piece :)
Transport of pigs, cattle and wild boar (Oberthal Bach v2.0) to the slaughter / butcher of your trust.
Creditz: TSL (Trailer + Beef Texture as far as I know this yet), Marhu (swine Texture) azlyirnizam (wild boar Texture) Blacky_BPG (Number Plates) and various scripter whose scripts have been used yet.
Visit us at http://tsl-landtechnik.com/
Have fun with it!
grüsse mngrazy


TSL , Marhu , azlyirnizam , Blacky_BPG und andere.

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