John Deere 8530 Powershift v2.0 MR


Hi people,
I hereby present you my fixed version of the JD 8530 SMI for disposal. I have almost eliminated all errors except for a Logfehler to the engine sound does not read behben. I hope you still useable much fun mti the mod.
Features / improvements:
Indoor sound
Tire dust on the field
MR TwinWeels (get more traction if displayed)
MR tire pressure system (brings merh traction when turned on, indicator light inside)
- Tire camber
Door, rear window and lenkseule for folding
- Vorderachse Animirte
- MR 800kg weight to attach to
Hood and FH (run ran disembarking and press the button in the Help window stands) to open
MR Zusatzradgewichte (bring through more weight, more traction)
-Dynamic Auspuffpartclesystem
-Digital speed display
Displays and lighting interior
-Füllstangsanzeige for trailers in the interior
-Manual engine start
MR fulll Powershift (16/5 Lastschaltgetribe)
-Reduced to 56 MB!
-Mod has to be unpacked!

It's my first mod comes to the DL, Alos since lenient.
I am always open to suggestions and criticism. Should I have someone in the credits About See this yet Added is if he demands it.
Release from Urmodder is available.

This mod june not be used on other sites without my permission on the DL!
Only the original DL link use!


SotilloModdingIndustries, Fabyte,Bjohn14, Sven777b. modelleicher, Burner

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