Here it is, the NE Iowa map, this map is an edit of the oldiscleave map, i have redesigned the layout to make it look more unique to the far NE corner of Iowa, this map features a dairy farm, smaller NE iowan farm, and grandpas farm which is unoperational, you will start off with wheat, corn and rape, you are also able to store and plant canola, i have left one field in grass near the sheep pasture for your choice of use, i will let you guys explore the map further on your own, the grainery is in the far south end of the map, you must drive through grandpas farm to get there, there is a pond near the back field by grandpas farm, there is also a trail for you guys to find and drive your gators or four wheelers on.
Please enjoy and do not upload to any other site!!

1 Downloads in
10 years ago

This map will NOT download completely. It gets to about 60Mb and then shuts down.
I can't download it.
Because it's not for fs19.
hey man make another iowa map with bins and auger and more and soil mod bro
hey can you covert it to fs 2015 please love the mod and need it bad for fs 15
please convert this to fs15
convert to 15
Mod installed correctly but not showing up in the list when you select new game
I really love this map please make more maps like this map thanks a lot:)
it would be nice if some one made this for FS17!
it is not working
i think because im downloading i hop it is for fs19
is it for fs19
please convert it to fs19
u guys r having problems not me it a gud mod
hey is this for fs19
FS19 plz all of the famours servers WILL think this map is perfect.
PLZ fs19
What verson is this???
FS13 i thik
listen, kids, this map is not coming to fs19!
stop being a tight ass and upgrade to fs19!
if some of you guys wanna know what game its for FS13
U guys....... its not working because u have to unzip it it literally says!
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