Bailliebreac v1.4


Irish based farm.

Welcome To An Baile Breac. This is an Irish map it was converted by Shanemce25 i did not make the make it full credits go to David Mc Namee&DylanAlcorn.

it is a very nice map i have edited it a small bit but not much!

The map is designed for smaller machinery the biggest field at around five acres. The back roads are narrow and tricky to maneuver around, so take note when buying machinery. There is reset triggers too, if you happen to get into difficulty. Thats about it from DylanAlcorn and ClassJaguar890, all thats left to say is enjoy.



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Commented on 2016-04-11 10:43:23

An alright map, but not great.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

Ive downloaded all 3 thats been posted and there exactly all the same if your not updating them why continue posting

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