Dondiego Map Reloadet v5.0


Hi, this is my converted map of Ls11 for LS15.

It is 4-fold, multifruit map.
Standard fruit + rye, oats, sunflowers, spelled, millet, poppy and alfalfa (gründüger mod)
Pigs and cattle fattening
GülleMistKalk Mod with lime silo on the farm
Food storage with conveyors
Mixing Station
Garden centers of manure / dung purchase
Straw purchase at the circus
Slurry and manure storage
Display Overview
AI traffic: cars and pedestrians

Required Mods:
-ChoppedStraw Mod
-Gründünger Mod
-GülleMistKalk Mod

I wish you much fun


webalizer:chopped Straw
Marhu:Schweine , Rinder ,Hühnermast, GülleMistKalk mod, Water mod, Sägewerk, MilktruckTrigger
biface:futterlager mit schilde( v3.0 v4.0)
Farmer_Andy: Kompostieranlage, Güllelager, Gewächshaus-Salat
El Cid:zuckerfabrik
-- --
LS15: Nils23
Numbershader: Giants/weisser
Anpassung: Giants/weisser
Holz Textur (Vorschlag): lappyBauer/dtmaster
chtiseb:Lager module(v4.5 v5.0)
San_Andreas:Baumarkt, Edeka, Gewächshäuser-Tomate, Blumenkohl, Weisskohl
Kastor:Wirtschaftskreislauf ÖL
Yellofoxx:Texturenpack für Kastors Hoftankstellenpack
VAHA:Mills set, Bakery
Pucksta:Klärwerk, Milchwerk

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Commented on 2015-06-24 07:08:09

bonjour . la dondiego est une tres belle map rien a dire .sauf un petit default on ne peut pad l arreter .bonne journee a tous .

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

Magnificent map but a small problem mills with flour does not work

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

As stated above , Great map but a lot of the triggers are very touchy or do not activate, Sites...Lettuce fill points, Flour mills do not take material or give an output ( info states there is material there ) Thanks.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

I would also like to let you know that I am also unable to get Milk from the Cow Zone, also at the Refinery I can get out "fuel" Diesel" , but no output of "Motoroil", Also I would like to ask if you can help in making it a bit easier to get a "animal trailer in position to get the "cows" & "beefs" out of the barn, May I suggest taking out a section of the "stone wall" across from the doors, this would really help. ( Bob )

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

Just re-looked at the video`s for the farm, and I notice the current map is laid out different, new design, the "pig & beefs are now end to end and the sites " bakery, spring water, refinery, and the flour mills have been added. Curious no new Version listed.... ( bob )

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

I would like to amend a part of my above comment, I did find a previous version " version 4.0, so I am going to download that one and see if it has any of the problems that are in Version 5.0 ( bob )

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

Well I downloaded version 4.0 gave the map some cows and stock, waited for some milk to be produced, then bought my truck for milk, went to the tank, would not load milk from tank, shut down, set value to the truck for milk. all ok. truck does accept milk. Bob. NOTE, dumped farm file ver 4.0 went back to ver 5.0 Now I will wait for a fix to ver 5.0.

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