Krone BIGXtreme HDR Dyeable pack v1.3


V1.3 26.5mb zip for all machines.

Highly modified Krone BIGX pack in HDR dyeable body textures, the pack includes the wider Xdisc and Easyflow300, standard width Easycollect 1053, standard cutter trailer and a standard width Xdisc. The BIGX has duel dynamic front wheels, extra beacon lights, 40000 onboard capacity, rear trailer low hitch to tow it's own tipper trailers. Higher motor scale and gear ratio's for towing trailers. All are multiplayer and washable and all are cheaper to buy than the originals.


Original by Giant's, mod by Stevie.

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Commented on 2015-05-04 00:14:21

Cool, thanks Stevie. Glad to see the low hitch on the back, nice touch.

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Commented on 2015-05-04 04:18:56

Bad controlling and getting stuck in feilds

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Commented on 2015-05-04 15:00:56

I will fix this in the next few days, Stevie.

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