KroneBigX1100 and KroneCollect1053 v2.0 By Eagle355th


Here is a KroneBigX1100 and KroneCollect1053 V 2.0 By Eagle355th
The KroneBigX1100 harvester is for Chaff Compacty 100000
Fuel compacity 3000.Hook up any trailer to it that is for chaff.
The Header KroneCollect1053 cutter chaff.
The both are priced at $125,000.00 They are washable!
I finally Finshed Them. Enjoy! Have Fun!
If you do not like the mod after checking it out
then just delete it out of your mods folder.
Unpack open the mods zip folder then copy all into your mods folder.
C:\Users\.\Documents\my games\FarmingSimulator2015\mods.Have fun!!!

Credits:By Eagle355th



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Commented on 2016-09-30 02:03:28

Could you help me... I am looking for a way to mark or label what's growing in a field... using map "westbridge hills"-- fields 13 -21, each of which I have split into smaller fields... as you are one amazing modder I was hopefull that you could take on this project.

Thank you

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