Mac End Dump v1


American trailer MAC Original LS13 of pickaxe9 and actulizado by Anpaes to Farm Simulator 2015. Can be transported in Wheat, Barley, Rape, Maize, Chaff, Potato, Sugarbeet, Woodchips, Silage a capacity of 80.000 liters. All textures present for fill planes and unloading. Leaves tire tracks.  Lift axle operated by key "Z".


Model from sketch-up warehouse by PETERBILT1993, bora, ivan, bayonet.
Converting to I3D by pickaxe9.
Scripting by pickaxe9.

beleuchtungV31.lua by Sven777b.
PlayStandAnim.lua by Xentro.

Converted to LS 2015:

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Commented on 2014-12-18 05:52:15

Do NOT DOWNLOAD THIS MOD! it caused my game to crash and when i deleted it it removed my mod folder so i lost every mod i ever downloaded, consider yourself warned..

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