Muddy Map V2


1. Changed texture
2. Added grain storage
3. Adjusted some fields limits now in total 13 fields (with grass)
4. Added more original equipment
5. Delete some Buildings
6. added manure, lime Mods
7. Added Choppedstraw
8. Reduced map size
9. Fixed many log errors
And more..



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Commented on 2016-04-14 19:31:32

Hey TAUTVIS our whoever the modder is you should give this great start of a map a new name. MAYBE SOMETHING LIKE Gator farm are something maybe ad a gator mod to it to rise gators..That's if you can make one...That place looks like Phils, Louisiana to me lol

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Commented on 2016-05-15 07:00:13

not a bad map I have been playing on it for a week now & have really noticed 1 small thing that could still be fixed, its the trees, they can't be cut close to the ground like the default maps, fix this in a V3 of the map & its all good.

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