Placeable pile v1.1


Hello Community!
For all those who in the placeable bunch of mor2000 have the FPS problem, I present here a version available in the collisions of individual fruit Planes have been disabled. This one can now go through by the pile, but the frame-drops during filling or emptying of the heap, at least with me gone.
This is only a workaround, I may publish as direct downloads with permission of mor2000 (thank you for this!). Mor2000 of this problem will also accept and later follow up on a fixed version. Until then, this download will be available.
Please respect the work of mor2000 and published this mod in no case in other portals.
Greeting, siggi_ls


mor2000 (Original-Version V1.1)
siggi_ls (workaround FPS-Problem)

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Commented on 2016-01-16 19:17:33


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