West Teufen v1.0


On the map you can find very many fields the helpers are friendly. There are also some that you have to edit without assistance. There are plenty of meadows for mowing.
Ideal for a contracting company or also with friends to play or alone it makes capricious.

On this map you can find:
- A main courtyard with cows and pigs.
- A Rinderhof with horizontal silo and grain storage.
- Drive the milk itself to selling point.
- Get thee seed and fertilizer from BIOCARE the courtyard. You can store it in storage.
- The pigs you can from outside the Heugebläse with grass, feed silage. Straw is förderband a Fliegl in the stable distribution
- Water you can fill up at the fountain or the faucet.
- Straw You can sell the land trade.
- You can do next to the shop to wood chips.
- If you can BIOCARE straw to manure make (Input: Water, straw Output: crap).
- On the Map manure storage are distributed so that you can the fields fertilizing Produktiever.
- Logs can be sold at BayWa cereals.
- You can store straw and grass in straw.
- Pallets You can (pallets) in BIOCARE at the ramp
- Seedlings you can at BIOCARE rear right Buy.

Mods you need:
- AAA_UniversalProcessKit (External storage) http://www.modhoster.de/mods/universalprocesskit--2
- GuelleMistMod (not so important)
- ZZZ_multiFruit (seed and fertilizer load with the standard blades)
- Animated Map Trigger (Goals and to make) https://www.modhoster.de/mods/animation-map-trigger

Change Start Vehicles
I have prepared in the WestTeufen.zip two defaultVehicles.
- DefaultVehicles_Hof.xml here are the vehicles and equipment on the main courtyard.
- DefaultVehicles_LU.xml Here are all the vehicles and equipment already installed for the contractors and the main courtyard.

As you can change the xml?
Copy the defaultVehicles_Hof.xml or defaultVehicles_LU.xml to your desktop. Rename the file to on defaultVehicles.xml Copy the file again. In the zip
Now you can a Score Start and the vehicles and equipment are ready.
much fun playing wishes you your TuneWar


by TuneWar

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