Dodge Ram limited 1500 crew cab edit v1


Hi guys and gals!

I have a FS17 mod release of a 2017 Dodge Ram limited 1500 crew cab, Credits goto: Original Mod- Unknown author, Mammoth 222, Model- NorthWest Modding, and Edited by: Different Breed Modding! Let’s go check out this mod release!

Rico Suave of Different Breed Modding (owner), did this awesome edit of a Dodge Ram limited 1500 for his members of Different Breed Modding for Christmas! As for what all he edited on the truck, he changed the tires and gave it a nice lift! He put a nice lightbar along the top in the front of the truck, as well as a pushbar on the front. There’s a chainsaw, and a tool box he put on the back, as well as a headache rack. He added sounds to the truck and redid the lights, all of Rico’s work was done in GE. This FS17 mod release is awesome!


Different Breed Modding Christmas release

Huge thanks to Rico Suave from Different Breed Modding, for allowing me to write about his work and his Christmas present release to his members! Your awesome Rico! Stay tuned, I have way more to come! As always guys and gals, have a good one! Mod on Modders!


Original Author Unknown, Mammoth222 Model: NW Modding Edit by: Different Breed Modding

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Commented on 2017-12-28 16:23:21

Why is the file so fricking big for a simple mod, jeez

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Commented on 2017-12-28 23:00:29

mod video here,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Commented on 2017-12-29 07:57:48

Will not download. Looks like a waste of space.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21


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