Fendt Harvesting Pack v1.1.x


Fendt Harvester Pack.

We needed a little more speed and a little more capacity, so we made it for our use suiteble. If you don't like it than don't download it.
For the critics, we know its not realistic so keep yor comments for yourself.

Fendt G 6775 L
Capacity: 50.000 ltr
Speed: 25 km/h
Price: € 220.000
Daily keep: € 760

Fendt L 9490X
Capacity: 70.000 ltr
Speed: 50 km/h
Price: € 398.000
Daily keep: € 1460

Giant / Rolam

Special thanks goes to ontourmitlampe.com for the webspace so you can download with one click.


Giants / Rolam

Similar modifications

Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

although i can now edit my own xml files , i appreciate guys like yourself giving the community who cannot do so , the option to have these mods . keep up the good work and ty

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Commented on 2017-01-04 17:54:34

Well Mark if you have any problems just write me and perhaps I can help you

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Commented on 2017-01-04 18:57:47

Shoot @Mark here is my email: [email protected]

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Commented on 2017-01-04 22:01:35

good job thanx, could you please give standerd trailers more capacity aswell thanx.

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Commented on 2017-01-04 23:44:12

no problem will load them up tomorrow or so

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Commented on 2017-01-04 23:48:05


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