Fermenter 5000 - (Fermenting Silo) v1.5.1


The Fermenter 5000 is an all in one Fermenting Silo.

Version 1.5.1
1. Fix reported issue with grass not deleting from under placeable.

This Fermenting Silo outputs 20000 Litres of Silage per hour with a capacity of 500000 Litres.
Digestate is also produced as a by-product with storage for 200000 Litres.

Grass / Dry Grass / Chaff  =  500000 Litres

Silage  =  500000 Litres
Digestate  =  200000 Litres

500000 Litres of input product will produce 500000 Silage and 110000 Litres of Digestate.

This version includes a new green Silo-laser that will be displayed as you approach the fill point.
This building operates using the latest Fabrik Script v 2.1.5 & Additional Triggers v 1.0.4
Fully Tested on Dedicated Server.
Log is Error Free.
CoursePlay Supported.
We hope you enjoy this Mod and happy farming to all.
GTX Mods
As we do not have comments activated on this site please provide feedback or report any errors or requests via our website.
Mod Use Licence available here: (Paragraph 2)
Terms of Use – GTX MODS
An extension to the above licence is as follows:
Permission is hereby granted to include this mod (PF-5000) in any map released for public use provided it is not modified from its current state without approval.


Credits: GTX Mods.
Special thanks: kevink98 for the Fabrik Script.
Credits for Bollards: Added after Vesion 1.2
Model: Andrey
Texture: Andrey

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:10

Hallo Leute.
Ich benutze euer Silo schon lange. Ist eine schöne Sache.
Jetzt habe ich mir eine PS4 zugelegt und würde euer Silo dort auch gerne nutzen.
Ist es möglich das Silo zu verändern das wir dieses klasse Silo für die PS4 bekommen können ?

Für eine schnelle Antwort bin ich euch sehr dankbar.


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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

any possibility of this mod being made for fs19? love to use this more American style silage system than the stupid bunkers.

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