Fully working winch KRPAN [Open Beta]


Description and Features:
The first fully functional winch in FS now ready for FS17! Sadly I do not have the time or motivation to fix a few Multiplayer-Bugs/Issues, therefor the winch is only Singleplayer for now! Even though the winch works error-free in singleplayer, it is still a Beta version.

The winch is released as OPEN BETA, or at least the script. The model isn't mine so I can not give permissions. But the script hereby is free to edit and bug-fix but also to use in other winches/skidders and so on without further need for permissions. (Please keep my name in the credits though ;) ) I hope somebody takes on the task of bug-fixing the multiplayer issues with this script and maybe even adds one or two things to make the winch better :)

- attaching all the trees in FS17
- winching trees
- attach up to 6 additional trees to hooks to skid them out of the forest (See tutorial video for further information)

Tutorial video in english how to use the winch: look in the tab "videos"

released by www.schwabenmodding.de
modelleicher on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Modelleicher/


CebuljCeck Modding: model, texturing
Maxter: ingaming, FS15 conversion, multiplayer testing
Modelleicher: scripting , FS17 conversion

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Commented on 2017-05-02 01:34:40

Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/./Desktop/FS17_ClaasDeleto300/Attacher//_1.dds'.
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/./Desktop/FS17_ClaasDeleto300/Attacher/_1_specular.dds'.

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Commented on 2017-05-02 01:45:51

Does this look like a claas deleto?

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Commented on 2017-05-02 16:57:28

How many trees can you pull?

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:10

very good! Maybe if you're upgrading to a trailer, it's best to pick up the tree

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Commented on 2017-05-02 19:21:56

Szeva Attila!
Kipróbáltam mammut fenyővel. MTZ úgy húzza mint récepöcse a vizet. Egy fát tud egyszerre vinni. Kicsit nehezen találja meg az akasztási területet,de ha megakasztod vele a fát,akkor jó. Realisztikus hangja van ! Nagyon király :)

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:10

nekem is tetszik de a legjobb az lenne ha egy trailer végére lenne szerelve és arra húzná fel a fát. :)

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Commented on 2017-05-02 22:05:27

Szerintem nem kivitelezhető.
Én mammut fenyőt vágok . Abból egyet kiráncigálok MTZ-vel,behúzom placcra,ott 5-10 méteresekre vágom és bepakolom egy helyre. Aztán önrakodós itrunner fahordóval elszállítom :) Jó móka!

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:10

A hagyományostól nagyobb fa módot tudsz?

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Commented on 2017-05-03 21:09:43


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Commented on 2018-04-03 11:07:15

anyone know where I can get the blade that's on the mb trac in the video? the red n black one

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