Grimme SE260 with Halum Separation v1


This is the standard Grimme SE260 2-row potato harvester, with upgraded Halum separation. This means you do not need to remove the halum first, you can just go straight in and use this harvester without using the Grimme halum topper.
Halum is removed on the patented multifunctional halum separation stage of the second web, just like on the real harvester.
I have also adapted the main share to be a bit narrower, to stop it taking 3 rows most of the time. You still have to be quite accurate with your steering, though.


Standard machine: GIANTS Software / Farming Simulator 17
Modifications: Russ

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Commented on 2017-03-01 17:14:17

Nice to see someone made a harvester like this can you make a windrowers that go with this potatoes harvester.

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