In Map Trains v1.0


For map builders. Do not do this to the game maps, you will cause problems
This is the xml's and folders how to add mod Train to mod Map.
I have put the folders in only you will need to name the folders as I have, just examples. They go in with the modDesc. I have put in the needed xml's for up to 4 trains. They go in the map folder. Use the trains you want and name the folders just as I did for everything to correspond and work.
​I have put these directions in the zip file too.


edited by JB3 Modding

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Commented on 2018-09-07 08:57:36

have you tried doing this with the files you have put in this?? likely not, there's no way to get this to work, all the files are empty but two, the maps folder and the direction text, which might as well be empty for the good it does. where's the xml's for the train cars, where's the directions on how to configure all this so that the train in mod map is independent of the in game source's?

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